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-> 馬占鰲

馬占鰲[View] [Edit] [History]

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Ma Zhan』ao (1830–1886) (馬占鰲 Mǎ Zhànáo, Xiao'erjing: ) was a Chinese Muslim General who defected to the Qing Dynasty in 1872 during the Dungan revolt along with his General Ma Qianling and General Ma Haiyan who served under him during the revolt. He first sent Ma Chun (Ma Jun) to negotiate a surrender with General Zuo, but Zuo suspected a ruse. Ma then sent his son, Ma Anliang, to negotiate. He then assisted General Zuo Zongtang in crushing the rebel Muslims. In 1877 he and Ma Qianling expelled Muslim rebels who refused to give up from the hills surrounding Hezhou. He had three sons, Ma Anliang, Ma Guoliang, and Ma Suiliang (Ma Sui-liang) 馬遂良. The escape of Han people from Hezhou during the rebellion was assisted by Ma Zhan'ao.

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馬占鰲(1830年 - 1886年),字魁峰,又字鼎臣,經名阿卜都里則孜,回族,甘肅省臨夏縣漠泥溝鄉何家村人,原籍陝西大荔王閣村,回民稱漠泥溝阿訇,甘肅馬家軍始祖,授建威將軍。

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