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討論區 -> 中國哲學書電子化計劃 -> Dao De Jing verse 52

2013-03-28 21:39:43Dao De Jing verse 52
發言者:sschneewind (Sarah Schneewind)既知其母 should this zhi be 得?
should this qi be shen 身?

These came up in our reading group when everyone but me had the other characters. I take my text from this site so that I can blow it up and write all over it. VERY useful, thank you.

2013-03-28 23:47:54Dao De Jing verse 52
發言者:justsojazzThe source text here has


However, when I click on the icon 注,the main text is different, using the alternate reading you mentioned. The parallel passages function finds parallels in the 馬王堆 that also contain the alternate reading you mentioned.

2013-03-29 03:35:10Dao De Jing verse 52
發言者:dsturgeon (Donald Sturgeon)Thanks both of you for your very helpful comments.

The texts of the 道德經 and the 道德真經註 (which gets shown when you click on the "注" icon) on the site are both supposed to follow the 正統道藏 edition of 王弼's commented version, as shown in justsojazz's link. Oddly, though, this edition has "既知其母" and "沒其不殆" where practically every other version of the text I can find has "得" and "身". The same is true of the "復" in "復知其子" here also.

The evidence of the other transmitted versions of the text together with the excavated texts that agree with them (and for "得", 王弼's comment about 得本以知末) make a strong case for the 道藏 edition just being wrong here, so I've added in corrections.

2013-03-31 10:34:55Dao De Jing verse 52
發言者:dsturgeon (Donald Sturgeon)Just as an additional note to the above, it seems that the 河上公 commentary (at least the 四部叢刊 copy of it) also has "既知其母,復知其子", so things are perhaps less clear-cut than I thought - though it does agree with the "沒身不殆". I've added the 河上公 text, and linked it in as commentary (so clicking the "注" will now get you 王弼's version followed by 河上公's). I'll add the 河上公 text to the parallel passage display shortly.


