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Scope: Jian Zhuan Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "中月而禫禫而纖無所不佩" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

間傳 - Jian Zhuan

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《間傳》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "Treatise on subsidiary points in mourning usages"]

9 間傳:
Jian Zhuan:
The sackcloth with jagged edges (worn at first) was made with 3 sheng, but after the sacrifice of repose when the wailing was over, this was exchanged for a different fabric made with 6 sheng, while the material for the cap was made with 7 sheng. The coarse sackcloth for a mother was made with 4 sheng, exchanged for a material made with 7 sheng, while the cap was made with one of 8 sheng. When the hempen dress is put away (after the burial), grass-cloth is worn, the sash of it being made of triple twist. At the end of the year, and when the first felicitous sacrifice has been offered, (the son) pas on the cap of dyed silk proper to that sacrifice, and the red collar, still retaining the sash and headband. A son begins at the head, and a woman with the girdle. Why does the son begin at the head, and why does a woman begin with the girdle? Because a man considers the head the most important to him, and a woman the waist. In laying aside the mourning, they began with the most important; in changing it, with what was least. At the end of the second year, and when the greater felicitous sacrifice had been offered, the cap and dress of plain hempen cloth was assumed. After the concluding sacrifice of mourning, in the next month, the black cap and silk of black and white were put on, and all the appendages of the girdle were assumed.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.