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Scope: Ming Tang Wei Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "成王以周公為有勛勞於天下是以封周公於曲阜地方七百里革車千乘命魯公世世祀周公天以子之禮樂" Matched:1.
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明堂位 - Ming Tang Wei

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《明堂位》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "The places in the hall of distinction"]

2 明堂位:
Ming Tang Wei:
Formerly, when Zhou of Yin was throwing the whole kingdom into confusion, he made dried slices of (the flesh of) the marquis of Gui, and used them in feasting the princes. On this account the duke of Zhou assisted king Wu in attacking Zhou. When king Wu died, king Cheng being young and weak, the duke took the seat of the son of Heaven, and governed the kingdom. During six years he gave audience to all the princes in the Hall of Distinction; instituted ceremonies, made his instruments of music, gave out his (standard) weights and measures, and there was a grand submission throughout the kingdom. In the seventh year, he resigned the government to king Cheng; and he, in consideration of the duke's services to the kingdom, invested him with (the territory about) Qu-fu, seven hundred li square, and sending forth a thousand chariots of war. He (also) gave charge that (the princes of) Lu, from generation to generation, should sacrifice to the duke of Zhou with the ceremonies and music proper at a sacrifice by the son of Heaven.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.