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Scope: San Nian Wen Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "將由夫修飾之君子與則三年之喪二十五月而畢若駟之過隙然而遂之則是無窮也" Matched:1.
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三年問 - San Nian Wen

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《三年問》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "Questions about the mourning for three years"]

4 三年問:
San Nian Wen:
Will any one follow the example of those men who are under the influence of their depraved lusts? In that case, when a kinsman dies in the morning, he will forget him by the evening. But if we follow the course of such men, we shall find that they are not equal to the birds and beasts. How can they live with their kindred, and not fall into all disorders? Will he rather follow the example of the superior man who attends to all the methods by which the feeling of grief is set forth? In that case, the twenty-five months, after which the mourning of three years comes to an end, will seem to pass as quickly as a carriage drawn by four horses is whirled past a crevice. And if we continue to indulge the feeling, it will prove to be inexhaustible. Therefore the ancient kings determined the proper medium for mourning, and appointed its definite terms. As soon as it was sufficient for the elegant expression of the varied feeling, it was to be laid aside.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.