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Scope: Condemnation of Offensive War III Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "予既受命於天天命融隆火于夏之城閒西北之隅" Matched:1.
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非攻下 - Condemnation of Offensive War III

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources
4 非攻下:
Condemnation of Offensive War...:
The warring lords would gloss over (their conduct) with arguments to confute Mozi, saying: "Do you condemn attack and assault as unrighteous and not beneficial? But, anciently, Yu made war on the Prince of Miao, Tang on Jie, and King Wu on Zhou. Yet these are regarded as sages. What is your explanation for this?" Mozi said: You have not examined the terminology of my teaching and you do not understand its motive. What they did is not to be called "attack" but "punishment." Anciently, the three Miao tribes were in great confusion. Heaven ordered their destruction. The sun rose at night. It rained blood for three days. Dragons emerged in the temple and dogs cried in the market place. Ice came in summer and earth cracked until water gushed forth. The five grains appeared in mutation. At these, the people were greatly shocked. Gao Yang then gave command (to Yu) in the Yuan Palace. Yu held the imperial jade order in hand and set forth to conquer Miao. Amidst thunder and lightning, a god with the face of a man and the body of a bird was revealed to be waiting upon (Yu) with the gui in hand. The general of Miao was brought down by an arrow and the Miao army was set in great confusion. And the Miao tribes became less and less significant ever after. Having conquered Miao, Yu set apart the hills and rivers (by names), and ordered things into high and low. With sacrifices he set up the four bordering countries, and neither spirits nor men revolted (any more). So there was peace in the world. This was the reason why Yu made war on the Miao. When it came to King Jie of Xia, Heaven gave severe order. Sun and moon did not appear on time. Winter and summer came irregularly. The five grains were dried up to death. Ghosts called in the country, and cranes shrieked for more than ten nights. Heaven then commissioned Tang in the Biao Palace, to receive the great trust that had been given to Xia, as the conduct of Xia fell into great perversity. Only then dared Tang to lead his multitude and enter the borders of Xia. And he let the deserters of the enemy destroy the cities of Xia. Soon after, a god came and told him: "The conduct of Xia is in great confusion. Go and punish him. I will surely let you destroy him, as I have my orders from Heaven." Heaven ordered Zhuyong to send down fire on the northwestern corner of the city of Xia. Thus Tang led the men of Jie and conquered Xia. He then gave audience to the feudal lords at Bo. He revealed and made known the will of Heaven and spread it in the four directions, and none of the feudal lords in the empire dared to show disrespect. This was the reason why Tang punished Jie. When it came to the regime of King Zhou of Shang, his conduct was not acceptable to Heaven. Sacrifices were not according to seasons. Even in the night... It rained sand for ten days at Bo. The nine caldrons moved from their place. Witches appeared in the dark and ghosts sighed at night. Some women turned into men. Flesh came down from Heaven like rain. Thorny brambles covered up the national highways. Yet the king became even more dissolute. A red bird holding a gui by its beak alighted on Mt. Qi, proclaiming: "Heaven decrees King Wen of Zhou to punish Yin and possess its empire." Tai Dian then came to be minister to (King Wen). The charts emerged out of the River and chenghuang appeared on land. Thereupon King Wu ascended the throne. Three gods spoke to him in a dream, saying: "Now that we have submerged Zhou of Yin in wine, you go and attack him. We will surely let you destroy him." So, King Wu set out and attacked Zhou, and replaced Shang with Zhou. Heaven gave King Wu the Yellow Bird Pennant. Having conquered Yin he continued the order of Tang and assigned the worship of the ancestors of Zhou to the feudal lords. Connexions with the barbarians of the four borders were established, and none in the world dared to show disrespect. This was the reason why King Wu punished Zhou. Speaking about the work of these three sages, it is not to be called attack but punishment.

1. 天 : Inserted. 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》
2. 曰 : Inserted. 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.