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Scope: In which an introductory story of a good scholar points the moral of the book Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "翟買辦扣剋了十二兩只拿十二兩銀子送與王冕將冊頁取去" Matched:1.
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說楔子敷陳大義 借名流隱括全文 - In which an introductory story of a good scholar points the moral of the book

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11 說楔子敷... :
In which an introductory...:
One day Wang Mian was sitting in Old Qin's cottage when a man wearing a bailiff's cap and blue cloth gown came in. Old Qin welcomed him, and after an exchange of courtesies they sat down. This newcomer's name was Zhai. He was a county runner and also a bailiff, but since Old Qin's son was his godchild he often came to the village to visit their family. Old Qin hastily called his son to make tea, kill a chicken and cook some meat to entertain the bailiff, and asked Wang Mian to accompany them.
When Bailiff Zhai heard Wang Mian's name, he asked, 「Is this Mr. Wang the flower painter?」
「Yes,」 said Old Qin. 「How did you get to know of him?」
「Is there anyone in the county who doesn't know him?」 retorted the bailiff. 「The other day the county magistrate commissioned me to get twenty-four paintings of flowers to send to a superior. Knowing Mr. Wang's great reputation, I've come straight here; and now I'm lucky enough to meet Mr. Wang himself.」 Then he turned to Wang Mian and said: 「I must trouble you to do some paintings. In two weeks I shall come to fetch them, bringing the payment from Magistrate Shi.」
Old Qin pressed Wang Mian to consent and, to please the old man, he agreed.
He went home and took infinite pains to paint twenty-four pictures of flowers, each with a poem appended. Bailiff Zhai reported his meeting with Wang Mian to the magistrate, who gave him twenty-four taels of silver. Of this sum Zhai appropriated half, giving twelve taels only to Wang Mian. He took the flower album away with him, and then the magistrate sent it with some other presents to Mr. Wei.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.