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Scope: Taishi Ci Fights With The Young Overlord; Sun Ce Cuts Short The White Tiger King Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "即下令於各門燃火虛張旗號設為疑兵連夜撤圍南去" Matched:1.
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太史慈酣鬥小霸王,孫伯符大戰嚴白虎 - Taishi Ci Fights With The Young Overlord; Sun Ce Cuts Short The White Tiger King

39 太史慈酣... :
Taishi Ci Fights With...:
For several days a vigorous attack was maintained, but with little success. In a council, Sun Jing, who was the uncle of Sun Ce, said, "Since they are holding the city with such resolution, it will be difficult to dislodge them. But the bulk of their supplies is stored at Chadu, distant only some ten miles. Our best plan is to seize this place, thus attacking where the enemy is unprepared, and doing what they do not expect."
Sun Ce approved, saying, "My uncle's plan is admirable and will crush the rebels."
So he issued orders to kindle watch fires at all the gates, and leave the flags standing to maintain the appearance of soldiers in position while the expedition went south.
Zhou Yu came to utter a warning, "When you, my lord, go away, the besieged will surely come out and follow you. We might prepare a surprise for them."
Sun Ce replied, "My preparations are complete, and the city will be captured tonight." So the army set out.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.