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Scope: Cao Cao Organizes A Hunting Expedition In Xutian; Dong Cheng Receives A Secret Command In The Palace Request type: Paragraph
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曹阿瞞許田打圍,董國舅內閣受詔 - Cao Cao Organizes A Hunting Expedition In Xutian; Dong Cheng Receives A Secret Command In The Palace

23 曹阿瞞許... :
Cao Cao Organizes A...:
As Ma Teng read it, his hair stood on end; he ground his teeth and bit his lips till the blood came.
"When you move, remember the whole force of my army is ready to help," said Ma Teng.
Dong Cheng introduced him to the other conspirators, and then the pledge was produced, and Ma Teng was told to sign his name. He did so, at the same time smearing the blood as a sign of the oath and saying, "I swear to die rather than betray this pledge!"
Pointing to the five he said, "We require ten for this business, and we can accomplish our design."
"We cannot get many true and loyal people. One of the wrong sort will spoil all," said Dong Cheng.
Ma Teng told them to bring in the list of officials. He read on till he came to the name Liu, of the imperial clan, when clapping his hands he cried, "Why not consult him?"
"Whom?" cried they altogether.
Ma Teng very slowly and deliberately spoke his name.
To a very trusty servant comes an Emperor's decree,
And a scion of the ruling house can prove his loyalty.
If the readers turns to the next chapter, they will see whom Ma Teng talked about.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.