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Scope: Mi Heng Slips His Garment And Rails At Traitors; Ji Ping Pledges To Kill The Prime Minister Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "平曰操常患頭風痛入骨髓" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

禰正平裸衣罵賊,吉太醫下毒遭刑 - Mi Heng Slips His Garment And Rails At Traitors; Ji Ping Pledges To Kill The Prime Minister

20 禰正平裸... :
Mi Heng Slips His...:
Ji Ping at once bit off a finger as a pledge of his faith. And then his host and patient brought forth the decree he had received in the girdle.
"I am afraid our schemes will come to nought," said Dong Cheng. "Liu Bei and Ma Teng are gone, and there is nothing we can do. That was the real reason I fell ill."
"It is not worth troubling you gentlemen with, for Cao Cao's life lies in these hands of mine," said Ji Ping.
"How can that be?"
"Because he is often ill with deep-seated pain in his head. When this comes on, he sends for me. When next he calls me, I only have to give him one dose and he will certainly die. We do not want any weapons."
"If only you could do it! You would be the savior of the dynasty. It depends upon you."

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.