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Scope: Zhang Fei Whips The Government Officer; He Jin Plots To Kill The Eunuchs Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "因此玄德除授定州中山府安喜縣尉剋日赴任" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

張翼德怒鞭督郵,何國舅謀誅宦豎 - Zhang Fei Whips The Government Officer; He Jin Plots To Kill The Eunuchs

9 張翼德怒... :
Zhang Fei Whips The...:
The three brothers became very sad. Walking along one day in the capital, Liu Bei met a court official, Zhang Jun, to whom he related his services and told his sorrows. Zhang Jun was much surprised at this neglect and one day at court spoke to the Emperor about it.
Said he, "The Yellow Scarves rebelled because the eunuchs sold offices and bartered ranks. There was employment only for their friends, punishment only for their enemies. This led to rebellion. Wherefore it would be well to slay the Ten Eunuchs and expose their heads and proclaim what had been done throughout the whole empire. Then reward the worthy. Thereby the land would be wholly tranquil."
But the eunuchs fiercely opposed this and said Zhang Jun was insulting the Emperor, and the Emperor bade the guards thrust Zhang Jun out. However, the eunuchs took counsel together and one said, "Surely someone who rendered some service against rebels resents being passed over."
So they caused a list of unimportant people to be prepared for preferment by and by. Among them was Liu Bei, who received the post of magistrate of the county of Anxi, to which he proceeded without delay after disbanding his army and sending them home to their villages. He retained two dozens or so as escort.
The three brothers reached Anxi, and soon the administration of the county was so reformed and the rule so wise that in a month there was no law-breaking. The three brothers lived in harmony, eating at the same table and sleeping on the same couch. But when Liu Bei was in public sessions or in company of others, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei would stand in attendance, were it even a whole day.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.