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Scope: Zhuge Liang Plans For The Three Kingdoms; Sun Quan Attacks Xiakou To Take Revenges Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "玄德屏人促席而告曰漢室傾頹奸臣竊命備不量力欲伸大義於天下而智術淺短迄無所就" Matched:1.
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定三分隆中決策,戰長江孫氏報讎 - Zhuge Liang Plans For The Three Kingdoms; Sun Quan Attacks Xiakou To Take Revenges

6 定三分隆... :
Zhuge Liang Plans For...:
These courteous remarks and the proper bows exchanged, the two men sat in their relative positions as host and guest, and the serving lad brought tea.
Then Zhuge Liang said, "From your letter I know that you grieve for both people and government. If I were not so young and if I possessed any talent, I would venture to question you."
Liu Bei replied, "Sima Hui and Xu Shu have both spoken of you. Can it be that their words were vain? I trust, O Master, that you will not despise my worthlessness but will condescend to instruct me."
"The two men you speak of are very profound scholars. I am but a peasant, a mere farmer, and who am I that I should talk of empire politics? Those two misled you when they spoke of me. Why do you reject the beautiful jewel for a worthless pebble?"
"But your abilities are world embracing and marvelous. How can you be content to allow time to pass while you idle away life in these secluded haunts? I conjure you, O Master, to remember the inhabitants of the empire and remove my crass ignorance by bestowing instruction upon me."
"But what is your ambition, General?"
Liu Bei moved his seat nearer to his host and said, "The Hans are sinking: Designing ministers steal away their authority. I am weak, yet I desire to restore the state to its right mind. But my ignorance is too vast, my means are too slender, and I know not where to turn. Only you, Master, can lighten my darkness and preserve me from falling. How happy should I be if you would do so!"

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.