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Scope: Annals of the Xia Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "道河積石至于龍門南至華陰東至砥柱又東至于盟津東過雒汭至于大邳北過降水至于大陸北播為九河同為逆河入于海" Matched:1.
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夏本紀 - Annals of the Xia

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16 夏本紀:
Annals of the Xia:
Following the course of the nine large rivers: from the Ruo river you go to Heli, whence the superfluous water flows into the Rolling sands. You trace the Blackwater to Sanwei, where it enters the southern sea; you trace the Yellow river from 'Stone-pile' to 'Dragongate,' southward to the north of Mount Hua, eastward to Dizhu, again eastward to the ford Meng, eastward you pass the junction of the Luo river to Dapei, northward past the Jiang water to Dalu, northward the stream is divided and becomes the nine rivers, reunited it forms the opposing river and flows into the sea. From Bozhong you trace the course of the Yang. Flowing eastward it becomes the Han, further east it becomes the Canglang water, passing the three dykes it goes to Dabie, southward it enters the great river, eastward whirling on it forms the Pengli marsh, again eastward it forms the northern great river and enters the sea. From mount Min you trace the great river, which branching to the east becomes the Tuo, again eastward it comes to the Li, passes the nine great rivers and comes to the eastern ridge, flows eastward, winds to the north, and joins the eddies, eastward it becomes the middle great river and enters the sea. Tracing the course of the Yan river—it flows to the east, becomes the Qi, enters the Yellow river, flows on and becomes the Ying; eastward it comes out to the north of Taoqiu, further east flows into the Ke marsh, again north-eastward it unites with the Wen, and still further to the north-east it enters the sea. Tracing the course of the Huai from Tongbo, to the eastward it unites with the Si and Yi rivers, and flowing to the east enters the sea. Tracing the course of the Wei from 'Bird-and-rat-in-the-same-hole' hill—it unites to the east with the Feng, further to the north-east it flows into the Jing, to the east passing the Qi and Ju streams it enters the Yellow river. Tracing the course of the Luo from 'Bear's-ear' hill, on the north-east it unites with the Jian and Chan, further to the east it unites with the Yi, and to the north-east enters the Yellow river.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.