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Scope: Five Hundred Years Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "噫者吾於觀庸邪無為飽食安坐而厭觀也" Matched:1.
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五百卷第八 - Five Hundred Years

English translation: Jeffrey S. Bullock [?] Library Resources
8 五百卷第... :
Five Hundred Years:
Someone said: Is it possible to lower the standards of Confucius's dao.
Yangzi said: Lowering [its standards] would destroy the sage's dao, would it not?
The other said: If this is so, then why did he leave the state of Lu?
Yangzi said: He valued his time.
The other said: He valued his time and left. Why?
Yangzi said: Because of a bunch of slave girls. The ruler of Lu did not listen to his corrections. Confucius remonstrated but [the ruler] would not accept his advice. Confucius sighed, "I am sick of watching this! I will not stuff myself with food, sit at leisure, and watch these girls perform until I'm weary of them!" From this point of view, Confucius indeed valued his time.
The other said: Does the junzi value his time?
Yangzi said: If the junzi takes office, he wants to implement his yi. If he retires from public life, then he wants to expound his dao. In service, he does not become weary. In teaching, he does not become fatigued. When is there time to waste?

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.