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Scope: Zhong and Li Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "昔在有熊高陽高辛唐虞三代咸有顯懿故天胙之為神明主且著在天庭是生民之願也厥饗國久長" Matched:1.
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重黎卷第十 - Zhong and Li

English translation: Jeffrey S. Bullock [?] Library Resources
11 重黎卷第... :
Zhong and Li:
Someone asked: Qin Shi Huang and Xiang Yu both received Tian's mandate to rule, but Qin Shi Huang was strangled on the Ba River, and Xiangyu was cut into pieces at Hong Xi. Why were they cast aside so quickly?
Yangzi said: Tian honors glorious de and overthrows excessive corruption. In the past the Yellow Emperor, Gao Yang, Gao Xin, Tang, Shun and the Three Dynasties all clearly manifested de. Thus Tian honored them, used them to unite Heaven and Earth, and placed them in the Imperial Hall. This is what the people desired, and long did their kingdoms flourish. Xiang Yu and the Qin Shi Huang, on the other hand, ruled by force, feuded quarrelsomely, terrorized, and attacked each other. They coldly rejected the three proper daos of Heaven, Earth and Man and their reputation for cruelty spread among the masses. Even their own children and followers wanted to kill them, how much more so their people? How much more so ghosts and spirits? They could not have been done away with fast enough!

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.