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Scope: Asking About the Dao Request type: Paragraph
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問道卷第四 - Asking About the Dao

English translation: Jeffrey S. Bullock [?] Library Resources
21 問道卷第... :
Asking About the Dao:...:
The tacticians say: By planning tactics, one does not have to fight and can reduce the other's troops to submission. This was the way of Yao and Shun.
Yangzi said: Not fighting and reducing the other's troops to submission, this was the way of Yao and Shun. But bloodied necks staining collars—could this have been the way of Yao and Shun? Bragging about jade but peddling stone—are these not your "tactics?"
The other asked: Using tactics or discarding them—which is better?
Yangzi said: Discarding them is better.
The other said: If you led the six armies, whom would you employ?
Yangzi said: If you lead by following the Dao, then all the tacticians in the world will become your envoys; if you lead by departing from the Dao, then all the tacticians in the world will become your enemies. Thus, the ruler of all under Heaven investigates leadership, and that's all.
The other asked: To threaten the feudal lords, you must attack! That is the strength of tactics. How can tactics be discarded?
Yangzi said: "To threaten the feudal lords, you must use tactics"—this may be so. But it is not as good as threatening the feudal lords without need of tactics.
The other said: Without tactics, how can a general attack?
Yangzi said: Even if he cannot but attack, does he not have the Sima fa? Why are tactics necessary?

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.