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-> 周赧王

周赧王[View] [Edit] [History]

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fatherperson:周慎靚王史記·卷4 周本紀第四》:慎靚王立六年,崩,子赧王延立。
    from-date 周赧王元年
    to-date 周赧王五十九年
King Nan of Zhou (Ji Yan; ?–256 BC), less commonly known as King Yin of Zhou, was the 37th and last king of the Chinese Zhou dynasty, the son of King Shenjing of Zhou and grandson of King Xian of Zhou. He was king for fifty-nine years, the longest in the Zhou Dynasty and all of pre-imperial China (in terms of the reign length followed by King Mu of Zhou). By the time of King Nan's reign, the kings of Zhou had lost almost all political and military power, as even their remaining crown land was split into two states or factions, led by rival feudal lords: West Zhou, where the capital Wangcheng was located, and East Zhou, centred at Chengzhou and Kung. Therefore, Nan lacked any personal territory and was effectively under the control of the local feudal lords, essentially relying on their charity.

However, Nan's symbolic and ritual power remains disputed. On one side, the Chinese states largely ignored the king's activities and adopted royal titles and rituals for themselves, while the dynasty's fall generally received meagre contemporary coverage and attention. This led to the assumption that Nan no longer had any symbolic power or semblance of royal authority left. On the other side, recent epigraphic discoveries and some accounts in the Records of the Grand Historian and Zhan Guo Ce suggest that until his death, Nan was still respected as the Son of Heaven. Either way, the last king of Zhou managed to preserve his weakened dynasty through diplomacy and conspiracies for fifty-nine years until his deposition by Qin and death in 256 BC.

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周赧王(? - 前256年),姓,名,或名皇甫謐說名。《竹書紀年》作周隱王,為周慎靚王之子。史文常作王赧,《史記》誤為諡號。據傳,他即位于前314年。赧王在位59年,是周朝在位最長的君主,也是周朝的最後一位君主。


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