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Daoism -> Dao De Jing -> 57

(The genuine influence)
A state may be ruled by (measures of) correction;
weapons of war may be used with crafty dexterity;
天下 (but) the kingdom is made one's own (only) by freedom from action and purpose.
How do I know that it is so?
By these facts:
天下- In the kingdom the multiplication of prohibitive enactments
increases the poverty of the people;
the more implements to add to their profit that the people have,
the greater disorder is there in the state and clan;
the more acts of crafty dexterity that men possess,
the more do strange contrivances appear;
the more display there is of legislation,
the more thieves and robbers there are.
圣人Therefore a sage has said,
'I will do nothing (of purpose),
and the people will be transformed of themselves;
I will be fond of keeping still,
and the people will of themselves become correct.
I will take no trouble about it,
and the people will of themselves become rich;
I will manifest no ambition,
and the people will of themselves attain to the primitive simplicity.'

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